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Major health orgs applaud NSW Health kicking the sugar habit

8 June 2017: An alliance of Australia’s leading health and community organisations has congratulated NSW Health for announcing it will phase out sugary drinks from all of its facilities in the next six months as part of its Healthy Choices in Health Facilities policy.

Massive treat-y: 10 health organisations join call for sugar tax

27 March 2017: Ten of Australia’s leading health and community organisations have today joined forces to call on the Federal Government to introduce a health levy on sugary drinks as part of a comprehensive approach to tackling the nation’s serious obesity problem.

Save Your Kidneys: Switch from Sugary Drinks

8 March 2017: An alliance of Australian health and community organisations is urging kids to ditch sugary drinks to help stem the tide of the growing national obesity epidemic, before it starts to impact on the kidney health of a new generation.

Sugar in baby’s bottle hits home health messages to Australian students

16 February 2017: A Victorian advertisement depicting an infant drinking straight sugar from a bottle has been voted the most effective campaign to make young people aware of the health effects of sugary drinks by more than 700 primary and secondary school students across the country, as part of the Critics' Choice program developed by Rethink Sugary Drink.

About 650,000 Victorians drink sugary drinks daily, put health at risk

8 February 2017: As many as one in four adults in some parts of regional Victoria drink sugary drinks every day, despite being a contributor to high rates of overweight and obesity.

Energy drinks hide up to 21 teaspoons of sugar, risky levels of caffeine

24 October 2016: Leading health experts are urging students to avoid using energy drinks to fuel study sessions and exams as some products deliver an enormous 21 teaspoons of sugar and as much caffeine as two and a half espresso shots.

Sports drinks are gammin

20 July 2016: A new digital campaign is using local Aboriginal sporting role models from the Victorian community to highlight the health effects of regularly downing sports drinks.

High praise from leading health experts for UK's sweet tax on sugary drinks

17 March 2016: The Rethink Sugary Drink alliance has commended the UK government for committing to introduce a tax on sugary drinks; and urge the Australian Government to investigate the effectiveness of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and to follow the UK’s lead.

How far do you have to run to burn off your sugary drink habit?

16 December 2015: A new, thought-provoking video launched today shows how much exercise you would need to do to burn off your sugary drink habit – 52km of running each week in some cases!

Sports drinks contain up to 13 tsp of sugar, damage teeth

3 August 2015: The health experts behind the Rethink Sugary Drink campaign are urging Australians to give their teeth a break and cut out sports drinks for good as part of Dental Health Week.

Soft drink consumption higher in Aboriginal communities: ABS report

7 April 2015: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 2-3 years are three times more likely to drink soft drinks than non-Aboriginal children, new figures have revealed.

Calls for Public Education Campaign to Challenge Soft Drink Giants' Teen Marketing Binge

25 March 2015: New figures from Roy Morgan Research have highlighted the growing younger market for soft drink with more 14-25 year olds consuming the sugar-laden drinks and in greater volumes over the past year.

Cheap deal on a frozen drink? It could cost your health

5 February 2015: Price promotions on sugary, frozen drinks are putting children's health on the line, seducing them to buy drinks containing up to 25 teaspoons of sugar on hot summer days.

New video challenges Victorian Aboriginal community members to ‘rethink’ their soft drink consumption

22 January 2015: An innovative video has been launched to address the serious issue of sugary drink consumption within Victorian Aboriginal communities.

Leading health experts applaud US for tax on soft drinks

8 November 2014: The coalition of health organisations behind the Rethink Sugary Drink campaign has congratulated Berkeley for becoming the first US city to approve a tax on sugary drinks, suggesting Australia should also investigate a similar tactic.
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